Audi Volkswagen Taiwan Co., Ltd. التطبيقات

Audi顧客服務 1.5
Audi顧客服務是針對Audi車主設計,讓您直接透過App獲得快速且完整的資訊及服務,目前提供的內容包含:1.道路救援服務-採用最新定址技術,只要完成車主資訊註冊,當緊急狀況發生時,直接輸入車牌及聯絡資訊,道路救援將立即知悉您的位置,並即時與您聯絡2.愛車小常識-提供您包括:儀表板及警示燈,安全注意事項,車輛清潔與保養,車輪與輪胎的各項相關訊息,讓您能夠更了解您的愛車!3.全省經銷商-提供全省服務廠及展示中心的地址,電話及營業時間,也提供地圖讓您能夠輕鬆找到最方便的服務地點.4.顧客服務-直接接通24小時客服中心,由專人為您服務!5.車主訊息-提供各項最新訊息,並可註冊車主資訊以便使用定址道路救援服務Audi 顧客服務 APP將持續推出各項最新功能,希望能夠提供車主更貼心便利的服務.Audi Customer Service forAudi owners designed to give you quick and direct access to thecomplete information and services through App, content currentlyavailable includes:1 road rescue services - addressed using the latest technology, aslong as the owner of the information to complete the registration,when an emergency situation occurs, the direct input the licenseplate and contact information, roadside assistance will be aware ofyour position immediately and instantly contact you2 car tips - provided that you include: instrument panel andwarning lights, safety precautions, vehicle cleaning andmaintenance, the relevant message wheels and tires, so you canbetter understand your car!3 province dealers - provide the address, telephone number andbusiness hours of the province service factory and exhibitioncenter, and also provides a map so you can easily find the mostconvenient service locations.4 Customer Service - Call Center directly connected to 24 hours, byhand to serve you!5 owners message - to provide the latest information, andregistered owners of the information for use addressing road rescueserviceAudi Customer Service APP will continue to introduce the latestfeatures, the owners want to be able to provide a more intimate andconvenient services.